Pemba Ngezi forest Tour


You’ll find the visitor center 4km west of Konde on the road to Ras Kigomasha.Ngezi Forest Reserve is home to a variety of endemic bird species, the Pemba sunbirds, green pigeon, and scops owl to name a few.

The Ngezi Peninsula is the northernmost point on Pemba. Much of the area is taken up by the Ngezi Forest, which is the last remains of a huge tract of indigenous forest which used to cover most of Pemba. Ngezi is home to the Pemba flying fox, a bat endemic to the island. The forest itself is a protected area.

On the east side of the Ngezi peninsula is Vumawimbi Beach, an immaculate beach with miles of white sand flanked by a pristine forest. On the western side is found the “Pango ya Watoro” or the cave of the fugitives.
If you are interested we can take some more time with you visiting the “cultural areas” these are parts of the forest that are sacred and people periodically sweep and clean to appease their ancestors. These sacred places called “MIZIMU” are used for prayers, requests, and offerings to the spirits of the dead. Local villagers recognize five such sites.


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